Friday, August 10, 2012

Or . . . the not-so-traveling librarian

Looking at this blog during the past week while I posted my Lit for Youth books, I couldn't help but be a little sad as I reflected on how little I've traveled during the two years I've been working on this MLS.  Needless to say, it has all but consumed me.  Sure, I just returned from Alaska and had a great time at PNLA . . . oh, and I guess there was a trip to Dallas back in January for ALA Midwinter . . . and two excursions to Tucson to see family . . . and of course our summer jaunts to somewhere-in-the-middle-of-Montana . . . and that recent anniversary trip to Warm Lake . . . so add them all up, and I guess I have been traveling, sans passport.  Now, after posting my final assignment for my final class, I'm full of new ideas, new information, and barely enough energy to put together a coherent sentence.  I will travel again, I am sure, but now, more than ever, it seems just as adventurous and fulfilling to have enough time to find my way to the bottom of the laundry basket.

Salon Marocain

Salon Marocain
In the village of Tinghir

Jess and I on our camels

Jess and I on our camels
Giddy up, Booshtran!
